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Can Low Quality Content Hurt Your High-Quality Content?   

Content quality is a personal judgment. Some people want a high level summary, whereas others want more in depth information and professional insights. Readers will find quality content more valuable and memorable and are likely to share it than current content.


As SEOs, we frequently write about topics that readers are looking for. This makes the content sound, but if you read many top ranking websites, they often say the same things. It might seem repetitive to read the first few results.

There are many buzzwords, such as 10x content or skyscraper content, but you must create something superior to what already exists. You have an advantage when creating fresh content. The benchmark you must surpass is the content that ranks.

Low quality content hurts your website’s SEO efforts. Since Google and other search engines are pretty picky about content quality, one must gradually raise the bar to continue to be relevant and “Good” in the eyes of search engines. If a website has a lot of low quality information in one place, it will harm the ranks of other “High quality” pages in another section. 

Although this is only sometimes the case, low quality pages in one website region can impact the rankings of other high quality pages in a different department. Additionally, it is a good idea to host a good website on a separate IP address from the bad ones if you have a lot of low quality websites, either spam or thin content, and one of them is very helpful and reliable.

It will be difficult for a website to clean up the mess and make a favorable first impression if it publishes low quality content for an extended time. As a top SEO company Dubai we often discuss the value of SEO and maintaining a highly optimized website.

However, if you don’t have valuable, high quality content to go with it, you will find it challenging to rank highly on Google. In other terms, “thin” content refers to online pages with little or no substance. Google favors high quality material that is the original and contains supporting secondary data.

In other words, your material should provide the user with the solution to their question, and you must persuade search engines that you are doing so. Regardless of how beautiful your website is, if you aren’t, you can end up nowhere near the top page of Google. Google classifies thin content pages as portal pages, subpar affiliate pages, and pages with little to no content.

1. Low quality or no content

The length of your content does not necessarily imply “thinness,” Google also considers how long users stay on a page before leaving it and going to another website or the search engine results page. This underlines the importance of excellent content that keeps website visitors there.

Web pages with little content will receive many views yet have a short “Time on Page” due to the absence of material. Imagine a user visiting your website and choosing the About Us link to read more about your business. If the content on your About Us page needs to be improved or sufficient to give the reader the context and information they need, they will leave the page.

This will show Google that the website’s material is of low quality. The content may be ‘clickbait’ or poorly written, contain extraneous filler words, be unconnected to the website itself, or advocate hate and harm.

2. Absence of context

This material can also result from writing needing more context, keywords, and solutions. The information must make sense for the page it is on and be educational for the user accessing it. If you went to a website about pet grooming, and half the content was about doggie daycare, the page’s main topic would need more information.

The main focus should be on pet grooming, even though the page can talk about dog daycare. Your principal and semantic keywords should have a good keyword density on the page. Lastly, a page will only rank well if it responds to the user’s search query.

3. Duplicate content

Duplicate content is what it sounds like; it appears more than once online or on your website. It will be regarded as duplicate if you use the same content on many pages, and Google may penalize your website. However, due to a few technical errors, such as improperly forwarding URLs or failing to set up canonical links, certain pages may be regarded as duplicates even though they were not done so on purpose.

If you create duplicate content accidentally, Google won’t punish you. Your website might still receive a penalty if they find out that it was made with the intent to be spam or to skew search results. The fact that you have duplicate material, though, might still harm your SEO, even if Google doesn’t penalize you for it.

4. Scraped content

This information was plagiarised or taken from another website. This text has primarily been copied and pasted with little editing or rearrangement.

Copyright infringement could result from plagiarism, which is strongly discouraged. If a large quantity of content is copied, there is also the possibility that your website will fall in the ranks since Google might view it as having low value. This is why you need to produce original content for your website. 

How to make good content?

Science and art are both necessary for producing high quality content, along with a lot of work and preparation. The data available to SEOs is vast.


    • Using keyword research, discover everything people look up.
    • The factors for which the best content is ranked.
    • All the topics covered in the existing content.


When someone searches online, many hope to quickly and easily locate some basic information. Helpful content is well organized, concise, and simple to read and scan. Although much of the content that SEOs produce is meant to rank in search engines, people might find value in it. We the SEO services Dubai often cover the topics people are looking for and respond to their inquiries.


 That kind of content works well as an introduction to a case for many users. The issue is that we frequently merely pretend to be experts, or we have authors who pretend to be experts. The real skill is required to produce high quality material.

You can differentiate your material from what is currently available by:


    • Sharing your knowledge, experiences, and observations.
    • Including information that is only visible to you.
    • Expressing an opinion, offering a fresh perspective, or being original.


Many current social media marketing companies in Dubai have probably been organized for years, and they might have improved their content by updating and improving it. Many solid and pertinent links may also be present in existing content. 


Top ranking material tends to garner more connections, making it challenging to surpass. Each individual contributes valuable abilities that are necessary to produce high quality material. Most businesses would prefer to make an effort to create this kind of content. 


It could be challenging to attract support if no first results are presented. It can be considerably simpler to make a case for the funding required to develop this material if you’ve received a few hits or some initial results

The tendency for many businesses to see content creation as a one time effort rather than an iterative process is a trap. When you have more resources and wish to produce more compelling content, you can continuously improve what you already have.

How to evaluate the quality

Since quality is a subjective concept, measuring it is difficult. However, word count and keyword density could be better indicators often taken into consideration by SEOs. One number can completely answer some questions, like how old someone is, and their complete life story is optional. There are many ideal methods to evaluate quality.


SEO professionals might consider the following:


    • Rankings.
    • Traffic.
    • Links.
    • Mentions.
    • Social shares.


Search engines can determine which results are suitable for numerous people with numerous demands and needs. They typically display a diversity of content that caters to various user intentions so that everyone will probably find something valuable. 


The majority of these adjectives are primarily arbitrary and challenging to quantify. Even so, they offer a lot of advice in the questions their engineers ask themselves and in the guidance, they give their quality raters.



As you start to produce content, check that your website is:


    • Helpful and instructive: If you’re launching a website for a restaurant, you can include the place, the times it is open, the contacts, the menu, and a blog where you can post about upcoming events.
    • Added value and utility compared to other sites: If you publish a post on how to train a dog, make sure it adds more weight or offers a unique viewpoint over the many dog training articles that are already available online.
    • Credible: Display the credibility of your website using primary sources, citations, links, reviews, and testimonials. You can enhance your website’s reputation and credibility by including an author biography or customer reviews.
    • High quality content should be original, focused, and on your website. It shouldn’t be manufactured in large quantities or outsourced to numerous other websites. Remember that your content should be developed primarily to provide visitors with a positive user experience rather than to rank highly in search engines.
    • Engaging: By including pictures of your team, your products, or yourself, you can add color and life to your website. Ensure that real, stylistic, and grammatical problems do not divert readers. Visitors may become distracted by an excessive amount of advertisements. Engage your visitors by connecting with them via frequent updates, comment sections, or social network widgets.
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Zenerom Manager

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